Tuesday, June 11, 2013

the days i eat my lunch for breakfast.

Mornings are not my strong suit. Most days my alarm goes off at 5:30 to remind me to continue snoozing until 6:07 when I fly out of bed just in time for my 6:15 departure. Thankfully, I've learned to shave some seconds off of my morning routine by skipping my regular breakfast of Raisin Bran or oatmeal and instead eating my packed lunch on the train. At least twice per week my entire lunch is gone before 6:30 AM. 

This goes surprisingly well for most of the day. A multi-course breakfast complete with a sandwich, yogurt, chips and usually a piece of fruit and/or cookies holds me over for most of the day. The problem is that when I get home from work I'm ravenous. 

That's where this salad comes in. Here's my go-to dinner when I'm too starving to cook or wait for take-out. And since pretty much everything on this salad comes from cans, jars or bags, it's easy to keep these items on hand. Lettuce, corn, black beans, tortilla chips, salsa and avocado... delicious, filling and quick.

What do you make for dinner when your stomach is seconds from eating itself? (I need some more ideas to add to the rotation!)

love, m. 


  1. I also love salads like yours. My other go to is a bowl of granola with milk. That I finish in about 50 seconds. If you think I can eat a sandwich fast, you should see what I can do to a bowl of cereal.

  2. I'm usually all about the egg sandwiches for dinner, but since I live with someone who can only be convinced that eggs are dinner about once a week, I've had to expand my repertoire. My current fave is pasta with arugula, from Channeling Contessa. http://www.channelingcontessa.com/tag/pasta-with-arugula/

    1. That pasta looks just perfect! Can't wait to try it.
